A quick funny story that I think everyone will appreciate:
Two days ago we were doing some tourist stuff at the Plaza de Armas and stuff like that and my friend and I were just wandering around looking for a little cafe to get a snack at. We got a little bit off of the "beaten (tourist) track" and found a cute looking place called "Cafe Romeo" and we were like oh perfect. So we walk up and there are beads hanging down right inside the door so I couldn't really see in, and there was a menu but it only had drinks on it so we turn to leave and the guy inside is like "No ven aca!" ("no, come inside.") So we walk through the beads and see that its like a tiny strip club and there are two girls like essentially naked.. we're talking like bikini top and thong.. and my friend and I, both temporarily shocked, immediately forget all the Spanish we know, but manage to say "Oh, ah, uh" and turn around to leave. The man was like "No, queden! Quieren tomar un foto?" ("No stay. Do you want a photo?") And all I could think was "No queremos comida, sirva comida?" (No, we're looking for food, do you serve food here?) Fortunately they did not serve food and we were able to escape unscathed. We ended up finding an ACTUAL little diner thing and got some empanadas.
So that was my Gringa Lesson for the day.
(Editors note: I later found out that this is called "Cafe con Piernas" literally "Coffee with Legs" and is like our version of a gentleman's club, whoops!)
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